Many novelties for 2021

Many novelties for 2021

Dear friends, Many things changed during the last months… We have strengthened even more the bond with the Earth, the sun, the wind, the rain, the perfumes, the good wine, the new oil, the food (for this reason we will perhaps weigh a little more ? ) luckily here we...
Many novelties for 2021

Tante novità per il 2021

Ciao a tutti/e !!!!! Come state? In questo lungo periodo abbiamo rafforzato ancora di più il legame che ci unisce alla Terra, il sole, il vento, la pioggia, i profumi, il buon vino, l’olio nuovo, il cibo (ci troverete forse un po’ ingrassati… ? )  Per fortuna qua...
Il Meletto: for a relaxing and peaceful holiday in nature

Il Meletto: for a relaxing and peaceful holiday in nature

Dear friends, how are you? After a long time the most of the borders will be finally opened. In this period we had more time for take care to our property, to plant the seeds, the vegetable garden , the fruits and a lot of meditation… In an isolated area on the hill,...